
Woman eating food

Food That Boosts Your Mood

January 18, 2024

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people make it their new year goal to eat healthier. Some may choose to eat healthy for a new weight loss journey or a goal to have more energy, but many do not recognize the daily effect that healthy food has on your mood. Your mood can be influenced…

Woman filling out her patient diary

What is a Symptom Diary and Why Do You Need One?

January 11, 2024

Discover the benefits of keeping a symptom diary to help treat your health issues! Your body has only one way to let you know something is wrong and that is through symptoms. It is a major problem when symptoms become disruptive to your day-to-day life. Whether you are experiencing symptoms that occur at the same…

Woman creating 2024 health checklist

Don’t Miss a Beat in 2024! Discover the Keys to Year-Round Health

January 4, 2024

Learn some of our tips for complete health and well-being in 2024 and beyond. As we enter 2024 and reflect on goals for the new year, how will you ensure this year is your healthiest yet? Make sure you don’t miss a beat in 2024 with the keys to an elevated plan for overall good…

lady with Migraine

Common Migraine Triggers to Avoid

December 28, 2023

Discover the most common triggers and how to avoid them when suffering from migraines. A migraine can seem to come out of nowhere and disrupt your entire day. Migraine severity and symptoms can vary from person to person, however, knowing your common migraine triggers and how to avoid them are the keys to preventing the…

Doctor discuss health facts with patient

5 Health Myths Busted

December 21, 2023

Discover the truth about some of the most common health claims! From generation to generation, medical myths have been passed down to influence our actions. These health claims are used so widely that it is hard to tell if these are just conventional misconceptions or real facts. Here are five common health myths busted. 5…

Man coughing

Bronchitis versus Pneumonia – What do I have?

December 14, 2023

You feel extremely ill and have a persistent cough that will not go away. Do you have bronchitis, pneumonia, or neither? No one wants to be sick during the holiday season. With so many infections going around that present similar symptoms, the quickest way to feeling better is to make sure you are treating the…

Elf on the Shelf

Elf Doctor’s Note – No Moving For 3 Days!

December 7, 2023

Parents, get your official Elf on the Shelf doctor’s note today and get 3 days off from all elf duties! Parents – you need to know there is an outbreak of Reindeer Flu in the North Pole! Get your Elf on the Shelf doctor’s note today! Children love all of the fun things the Elf…

man fixing thermostat

The Silent Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning From Your Heating System

December 5, 2023

You finally made it safely inside your home from the harsh winter weather. Your thermostat may need a little adjustment as you prepare to get cozy and relax in the warm indoors. Everything seems perfect, but is your home really safe? Most people feel safe and prepared in their homes as they know the dangers…

man sick on the couch

Prepare For The Most Common Fall and Winter Illnesses

November 30, 2023

Find tips to prepare and prevent the most common fall and winter illnesses. Respiratory illnesses can strike year-round but are typically more prevalent during the fall and winter months due to more time spent indoors and out of the cold weather, and the cold, dry air weakening the immune system to be more susceptible to…

lady eating healthy meal

How What You Eat Affects Your Sleep

November 16, 2023

Discover the connection between diet and sleep quality. Learn the importance of what you put in your body and its effect on sleep. Sleep quality depends on more factors than the number of hours we actually get while sleeping. Eating habits are extremely crucial in determining the quality of sleep. Discover the correlation between what…