Diabetes: Risks and Warning Signs
November is American Diabetes Month (ADM), a time to raise awareness and talk about preventing and managing diabetes. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, and an additional 84 million people in the U.S. are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This month, we’re reviewing how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while living…
Understanding ADHD
We’ve all heard of ADHD before, but what exactly does it entail? We’re breaking it down for National ADHD Awareness Month! You may have heard someone throw around the term when they felt scatterbrained, but true ADHD isn’t a momentary fog or a temporary phase; it’s a diagnosable behavioral disorder that can make completing daily…
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Unfortunately, breast cancer has probably affected all of us in some way. With one in eight women receiving the diagnosis in their lifetime, it’s the most common cancer in American women. BCAM is a time for women to gather information, share their stories, and literally take health into their…
Women’s Ovarian Health
Do you know what’s going on in your ovaries? September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month. We’re covering both issues on the blog today because women’s reproductive health deserves to be talked about more. Let’s dive in! Ovarian Cancer Although it’s called ovarian cancer, it can develop outside of…
Overdose Awareness Day
Addiction is a disease, and it’s one that is far too prevalent. The CDC has estimated that 90,237 people have died from overdoses from September 2020 to April 2021. And the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports that North America continues to have the highest drug-related mortality rate in the world. To raise…
What is Gastroparesis?
A good majority of the patients we see come in with some type of abdominal pain. Stomach discomfort is extremely common and can be caused by a multitude of things. There’s celiac disease, IBS, and ulcers, to name a few, but have you ever heard of gastroparesis? If not, we’re here to teach you for…
What You Need to Know About CPR
Countless lives are saved every day by cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, and it’s some of the most valuable knowledge you can have. This week on the blog, we’re covering the basics of CPR, including when and how to give it. When to use CPR If someone is not breathing, it’s time to perform CPR. CPR…
Celebrate the Fourth of July the Safe Way
It’s the Fourth of July weekend, and we’re ready to celebrate! Nothing kills the mood faster than an accident or injury at a holiday gathering. That’s why we’re reviewing these important outdoor safety tips, so nothing interferes with your fun-filled Independence Day! Grilling safety Whether you have ribs, kabobs, or veggies on the menu, grilling…
Family Health and Fitness Day
Get together and get moving for National Family Health and Fitness Day this Saturday, June 12! Family Health and Fitness Day was created by the National Recreation and Park Association to encourage physical activity while also highlighting the important role parks and recreational areas play in keeping our communities healthy. Make a Change Whether you’re…
FDA Approves Breakthrough Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease
The FDA has granted accelerated approval for Aduhelm (aducanumab), a drug used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Drugs approved under the accelerated approval pathway have proven to be more beneficial than what’s currently on the market for life-threatening illnesses. Considering Aduhelm is the first drug of its kind and the first Alzheimer’s treatment to be approved…